Another important spy equipment that we should learn is a Polygraph. As a professional spy you should familiarized yourself with it. Some basic knowledge of the Polygraph:

A polygraph examination or lie detector test is a technique used widely by private and government agencies in the US, Australia, UK, Singapore and other countries for criminal/security investigations, recruitment and staff appraisal.
Basically, a polygraph test will collect physiological data from at least three systems in the human corpse. Long-winded rubber tubes that are placed over the examinees abdominal and chest area will note down respiratory movement.
Meanwhile, two small metal plates, attached to the fingers, will note down sweat gland activity, and a blood pressure cuff, or similar device will record cardiovascular activity.
It is a highly technical and skilled process, relying on the use of specialist equipment linked to considerable training and experience on the part of the operator.
The polygraph has been used around the world (more than 50 countries), is the most accurate tool available today for determining truth or deception.
Nowadays, polygraph testing remains the most precise means of developing and verifying the truth, pre-detecting highly potential deceptions and/or detecting deception.
Polygraph test is one of many tools used by:
1. Lawyers- to verify clients' statement
2. Security Agencies, Banking and Airline Industry personnel.
3. Law Enforcement Agencies
4. Government Departments
5. Private Corporations Dealing with Internal Crime and Recruitment, such as trustworthiness of Personnel, drug screening, previous employment history theft, etc.
6. Domestic Examinations, such as:
- Domestic Dispute - spouse being truthful to you?
- Juvenile Delinquency- child's misbehavior
Some of the Benefits
1. Polygraph Screening could be used during a recruitment exercise. The test can be used to pin-point drug addicts, drug pushers, thieves or corrupt individuals.
According to research 85% of people applying for a job lie on the application form. The majority is lying about age, qualifications and experience but about 25% of the liars are concealing something far more serious - such as a criminal conviction.
Worry no more; a Lie Detection Test will reveal it for you.
2. Polygraph Screening could Safe Million of Dollars
- Have you heard about million of dollars loss through pilferages in the warehouse? Here we can conduct a polygraph tests on the employees who works in the warehouse. Absolutely after the test you could find the suspect, thus could proceed with further investigation.
A study on retailing has shown that shrinkage, or loss, broke down into 11% bookkeeping and management error, 17% shoplifting and 75% staff theft.
All the problem could be easily solved by using Lie Detection Testing, thus to improve profitability.
However, please bear in mind that it’s not detect lies actually, it can only detect whether deceptive behavior is being displayed.
With a proper and systematic data, only a specialist could determine truth or deception.
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