Dear Spy,
In some cases, you need GPS as a spy equipment in order to confirm your suspicions or just to keep track something important in your life. Let’s look at the following cases:
1. You are in a big headache suspecting your spouse, boyfriend / girlfriend of infidelity. Were they actually telling the truth?
2. Concerned if your kids is driving recklessly or wondering about where they are going? Is he or she going to a party where there will be juvenile drinking and drugs available?
3. You want to know the where about of your employee's. Are they using your vehicles for personal use?
3.1 You would like to stop employee abuse of company cars, buses or trucks so that you could save on fuel consumption!
4. You want to keep track of your important shipment routes.
5. Know where anything or anyone has been.
In general, there are two types of GPS Tracking systems:
1. GPS Data Loggers
A good solution to keep an eye on the driving behavior but it will not help you find missing vehicles.
2. Real-Time GPS Tracking System
You can locate kids, employee, vehicle or your enemy at any time and see their driving history without having to get the device.
Real time tracking can even help out law enforcement in recuperating stolen vehicle. Are your vehicles protected?
The only disadvantage is that there is a monthly charge for the cellular communication service.
Something you should know:
The following will adversely affect your GPS performance:
High rise buildings, solar film on windows, bridges or tunnels, high voltage cables, computers, electronic base spy equipment, cell phones or masts, rain, snow or heavy clouds.
If possible, use GPS receiver with the best possible view of the sky.
Now time to take action,
Get a cool GPS today and secretly installed and placed your GPS on anything that moves (i.e. animals or vehicles but do not try to directly place on human body!). The GPS technology enables a continuously updated record of stop times, the exact route, speed and direction and other precious information.
You can then get back the information later (from the GPS device) and connect it to your PC to read the data. View the information using free Google Earth's TM 3D model of the planet.
Lets this cool spy equipment quickly and easily do the jobs for you. Do not try to follow it yourself. It could be dangerous.

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