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Friday, August 28, 2009

Spy Satellite

A satellite is basically any object that revolves around an earth in an elliptical or spherical pathway. Satellites can carry out astounding and often menacing feats.

A spy satellite can watch a person’s every movement, even when the "target" is indoors or deep in the inner of a building or traveling rapidly down the highway in a vehicle or in any kind of weather (cloudy, rainy, stormy).

There is no place to hide on the face of the earth. It takes just three satellites to cover the world with detection capability.Take for example; the Kennan "Keyhole-class" (KH) reconnaissance satellites from US have been orbiting the Earth for more than 30 years. They are typically used to take overhead snapshot for military missions.

The satellites are frequently placed into numerous secret orbits by NASA space shuttles. Its digital images from the satellites will be analyzed, manipulated and combined by powerful computers at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA).

The black and white imagery is used by the military and local communities. Usually, they have an imaging resolution of 12-15 cm, which means they can see something 12 cm or bigger on the ground. Most probably these satellites can't read your house number, but they can tell whether there is a vehicle parked in your driveway.

Satellite data can be used by mapping analysts to create 3-D images of land patterns and structures on the ground. This technology can be used to visualize possible flee routes for illegal activity. Federal officials say an eye in space adds another tool in an ever-expanding technological arsenal aimed at defending the boundary from drugs traffickers, terrorists or human smugglers.

In addition tracking a person’s every action and pass on the data to a computer screen on earth, astonishing powers of satellites comprise reading a person’s mind, monitoring conversations, manipulating electronic instruments and physically assaulting someone with a laser ray.

G. Harry Stine, in his book Confrontation in Space (1981), wrote that computers have "read" human minds by means of deciphering the outputs of electroencephalographs (EEGs). The most menacing aspect of satellite surveillance, certainly its most stunning is mind-reading.

It was reported that by Newsweek (1992) "with powerful new devices that peer through the skull and see the brain at work, neuroscientists seek the wellsprings of thoughts and emotions, the genesis of intelligence and language. They hope, in short, to read your mind."

Therefore, in order to give a satellite mind-reading capability, what we should do is to put some type of EEG-like- gadget on a satellite and link it with a computer that has a data bank of brain-mapping research.

c) 2009 Copyright

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pepper Spray as a Self Defense Tool

One of the defense tools that Spy should carry along is Pepper spray. You’ll never know when you will need it. Especially when performing your hasty jobs.

Hot pepper spray is a great self defense and resistance device against all kinds of disturbances such as rapist, robbery, road hog, kidnapper, violent animals, and etc. it fits easily in pouch or purse.

The active ingredient in pepper spray is capsaicin, which is a chemical derived from the fruit of plants in the Capsicum genus, including chilies.

Usually it comes with a compact design and finger grip dispenser, thus are easy for emergency use. It stops the attacker and slams their eyes shut for 20-30 minutes while you safely get away and looking for helps.

The duration of its effects depend on the strength of the spray but the average full effect lasts around thirty to forty-five minutes, with diminished effects lasting for hours.

As a spy you should always stay alert and get prepared when walking unaccompanied at night, using elevator, or sense of insecurity.

Watch the video:

First Aid

In case you become a victim or you would like to help someone, below are some quick actions that you could apply:

The spray can be washed off the face using milk, soap, shampoo, dish washing detergent, or other detergents. Any cooling likes ice, cold water, cold surface, or a fan will provide some relief.

Victims should be encouraged to blink vigorously in order to encourage tears, which will help flush the irritation from the eyes.

Next, immediately seek further medical help from qualified doctors.

c) 2009 Copyright

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Polygraph As a Spy Equipment

Dear Spy Fan,

Another important spy equipment that we should learn is a Polygraph. As a professional spy you should familiarized yourself with it. Some basic knowledge of the Polygraph:

A polygraph examination or lie detector test is a technique used widely by private and government agencies in the US, Australia, UK, Singapore and other countries for criminal/security investigations, recruitment and staff appraisal.

Basically, a polygraph test will collect physiological data from at least three systems in the human corpse. Long-winded rubber tubes that are placed over the examinees abdominal and chest area will note down respiratory movement.

Meanwhile, two small metal plates, attached to the fingers, will note down sweat gland activity, and a blood pressure cuff, or similar device will record cardiovascular activity.

It is a highly technical and skilled process, relying on the use of specialist equipment linked to considerable training and experience on the part of the operator.

The polygraph has been used around the world (more than 50 countries), is the most accurate tool available today for determining truth or deception.

Nowadays, polygraph testing remains the most precise means of developing and verifying the truth, pre-detecting highly potential deceptions and/or detecting deception.

Polygraph test is one of many tools used by:

1. Lawyers- to verify clients' statement
2. Security Agencies, Banking and Airline Industry personnel.
3. Law Enforcement Agencies
4. Government Departments
5. Private Corporations Dealing with Internal Crime and Recruitment, such as trustworthiness of Personnel, drug screening, previous employment history theft, etc.
6. Domestic Examinations, such as:
- Domestic Dispute - spouse being truthful to you?
- Juvenile Delinquency- child's misbehavior

Some of the Benefits

1. Polygraph Screening could be used during a recruitment exercise. The test can be used to pin-point drug addicts, drug pushers, thieves or corrupt individuals.

According to research 85% of people applying for a job lie on the application form. The majority is lying about age, qualifications and experience but about 25% of the liars are concealing something far more serious - such as a criminal conviction.
Worry no more; a Lie Detection Test will reveal it for you.

2. Polygraph Screening could Safe Million of Dollars
- Have you heard about million of dollars loss through pilferages in the warehouse? Here we can conduct a polygraph tests on the employees who works in the warehouse. Absolutely after the test you could find the suspect, thus could proceed with further investigation.

A study on retailing has shown that shrinkage, or loss, broke down into 11% bookkeeping and management error, 17% shoplifting and 75% staff theft.
All the problem could be easily solved by using Lie Detection Testing, thus to improve profitability.

However, please bear in mind that it’s not detect lies actually, it can only detect whether deceptive behavior is being displayed.

With a proper and systematic data, only a specialist could determine truth or deception.

c) 2009 Copyright

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How to Open a Car Door Using Spy Equipment?

Dear Spy Fans,

As a professional Spy, you will need this tool to be applied in your jobs. I believed you have been bombarded with a Hollywood movie showing how the actor / actress open a car door with a simple tool.

One tool that commonly use to open car door we call it Slim Jim.

Absolutely as a Spy you need this tool and have to master the technique on how to open car’s door.

Slim Jim is a thin strip of metal with a notch cut at the bottom side.
How to Use It:

1. Slides it down the passenger window into the door.

2. Use the notch to catch a rod running inside the door that connects the lock and the lock buttons.

3. Carefully pull the rod; it will pop up the lock into the open position.

4. That’s it; you can open the door now and proceed with your job.

However many modern cars have the rod shielded from this access. Most new cars have many wires running through the doors to control such things as power windows, power locks, heated side view mirrors, lighted key ways, and burglar alarms or some newer car have airbags!

To overcome this problem you are advised to get some training from a professional locksmith. For professional locksmiths often they will use wedges, lights and manuals of parts locations to avoid damage and increase their success rate.

Learn more about Slim Jim

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