Friday, December 26, 2008
Is Malwares Spying On You?
spy equipment
You may be a potential victim that has been targeted by cybercriminals the next time you receive an e-mail addressed specifically to you. Be extra cautious!
Typically, malwares is installed without the user's knowledge or consent, though it is often packaged with other software that the user does in fact choose to install.
Malwares can be used to attack key individuals in a company or organisation, or even for political and military motives.
For examples, malwares could be used to attack any groups, organisations and individuals with carefully targeted and technically-advanced e-mail-based malwares aimed at infecting the computers or spying on the owners.
In easy words malwares are type of spies which enters in you PC through internet and make places in important folders. It can then download more malwares to your computer and increase the infection, steal your passwords, ID, social security number, credit card numbers, etc and then send this info back to sender.
Different types of malwares include spyware, trojan horses, rootkits, keyloggers, viruses, and worms. Also, certain types of adware are considered malware.
Even seemingly legitimate software and media, such music compact discs from Sony BMG and Microsoft Genuine Advantage, have been found to contain malwares.
It should be noted that not all viruses are malwares, and that not all malwares are viruses. Most antivirus software does little or nothing about malwares. Nowadays, no single software does an entirely good job.
That is why don’t let malwares take over your PC. Things you can do:
1. Turn off external or remote login services to your computer so that someone cannot just remotely login and take over your computer.
2. Use multiple anti malwares packages to clean up the computer infections (malwares).
Go one step ahead by spying as much as possible on this malwares (malicious software) and be prepared to remove it from your PC.
c) 2008 Copyright
You may be a potential victim that has been targeted by cybercriminals the next time you receive an e-mail addressed specifically to you. Be extra cautious!
Typically, malwares is installed without the user's knowledge or consent, though it is often packaged with other software that the user does in fact choose to install.
Malwares can be used to attack key individuals in a company or organisation, or even for political and military motives.
For examples, malwares could be used to attack any groups, organisations and individuals with carefully targeted and technically-advanced e-mail-based malwares aimed at infecting the computers or spying on the owners.
In easy words malwares are type of spies which enters in you PC through internet and make places in important folders. It can then download more malwares to your computer and increase the infection, steal your passwords, ID, social security number, credit card numbers, etc and then send this info back to sender.
Different types of malwares include spyware, trojan horses, rootkits, keyloggers, viruses, and worms. Also, certain types of adware are considered malware.
Even seemingly legitimate software and media, such music compact discs from Sony BMG and Microsoft Genuine Advantage, have been found to contain malwares.
It should be noted that not all viruses are malwares, and that not all malwares are viruses. Most antivirus software does little or nothing about malwares. Nowadays, no single software does an entirely good job.
That is why don’t let malwares take over your PC. Things you can do:
1. Turn off external or remote login services to your computer so that someone cannot just remotely login and take over your computer.
2. Use multiple anti malwares packages to clean up the computer infections (malwares).
Go one step ahead by spying as much as possible on this malwares (malicious software) and be prepared to remove it from your PC.
c) 2008 Copyright
Is Malwares Spying On You?

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Bond and His Equipments
spy equipment
Have you watched Quantum of Solace? As usual spy film starring James Bond are full of special gadgets. For example: lipstick guns, hubcap lasers, cyanide cigarettes, missile launcher leg casts and rocket-launching radios.
In this article, we'll check out the gadgets that James Bond has used. However, some of you maybe do not know who is James Bond?
It was said that this secret agent birth date is in the 1920s. His Scottish father worked for a British arms firm and was killed while mountain climbing along with Bond's Swiss mother when James was eleven.
Bond attended several prominent schools before enlisting in the Royal Navy during World War II, where he rose to the rank of commander. Following the War, he entered the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), also known as MI6, short for 6th Branch of the Military Intelligence Directorate.
His first two assignments were assassinations, which led to his permanent designation as a "00" agent, one with a license to kill in the line of duty. As the seventh such agent, he was designated Agent 007.
Bond usually operates under a pseudonym, usually as a representative of Import Exports Organization. His charm and charisma are reinforced by his taste for fine suits, fast cars and his signature beverage: a dry martini, shaken, not stirred. Bond's missions bring him into contact with both sophisticated elites and shady underworld figures.
Although Bond is a gifted athlete and well-trained in martial arts, he doesn’t have to rely on his intelligence and physical prowess alone. The Q Branch of MI6 regularly outfits 007 with smart devices, usually in the form of an ordinary object that hides an explosive, a gun or another key item.
Q Branch is the research and development arm of MI6, the semi-fictional British intelligence agency that employs Bond. Q stands for quartermaster, and the head of the department uses codename Q, though the original Q's real name was Major Boothroyd.
In any Bond’s movie, he is a man who can accomplish challenging missions regardless of the political, monetary or private consequences.
There are a few pieces of equipment that James Bond never leaves home without. It's his Walther PPK handgun, worn inconspicuously in a shoulder holster. It is compact and reliable even though not classified as a most powerful gun in the world.
Some other equipment used on the Bond’s movie:
1. A pen filled with acid to melt metal, which also included a radio transmitter (Octopussy)
2. A credit card containing a concealed lock pick and X-ray glasses (The World Is Not Enough)
3. A cellular phone with software that could break into electronic locks and emit an electric shock of 12,000 volts (Tomorrow Never Dies)
4. A briefcase with hidden compartments holding ammunition, a knife, gold coins and a talcum powder bottle that released tear gas (From Russia With Love)
5. A cigarette that fired a miniature rocket (You Only Live Twice)
6. Key chain with a skeleton key and a device that could trigger knockout gas or an explosive charge, depending on how Bond whistled (The Living Daylights)
7. A pen that was actually a grenade (Goldeneye)
That’s it for today. As a spy you should watch Bond’s movie, learn something or get idea to be implemented in your works.
c) 2008 Copyright
Have you watched Quantum of Solace? As usual spy film starring James Bond are full of special gadgets. For example: lipstick guns, hubcap lasers, cyanide cigarettes, missile launcher leg casts and rocket-launching radios.
In this article, we'll check out the gadgets that James Bond has used. However, some of you maybe do not know who is James Bond?
It was said that this secret agent birth date is in the 1920s. His Scottish father worked for a British arms firm and was killed while mountain climbing along with Bond's Swiss mother when James was eleven.
Bond attended several prominent schools before enlisting in the Royal Navy during World War II, where he rose to the rank of commander. Following the War, he entered the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), also known as MI6, short for 6th Branch of the Military Intelligence Directorate.
His first two assignments were assassinations, which led to his permanent designation as a "00" agent, one with a license to kill in the line of duty. As the seventh such agent, he was designated Agent 007.
Bond usually operates under a pseudonym, usually as a representative of Import Exports Organization. His charm and charisma are reinforced by his taste for fine suits, fast cars and his signature beverage: a dry martini, shaken, not stirred. Bond's missions bring him into contact with both sophisticated elites and shady underworld figures.
Although Bond is a gifted athlete and well-trained in martial arts, he doesn’t have to rely on his intelligence and physical prowess alone. The Q Branch of MI6 regularly outfits 007 with smart devices, usually in the form of an ordinary object that hides an explosive, a gun or another key item.
Q Branch is the research and development arm of MI6, the semi-fictional British intelligence agency that employs Bond. Q stands for quartermaster, and the head of the department uses codename Q, though the original Q's real name was Major Boothroyd.
In any Bond’s movie, he is a man who can accomplish challenging missions regardless of the political, monetary or private consequences.
There are a few pieces of equipment that James Bond never leaves home without. It's his Walther PPK handgun, worn inconspicuously in a shoulder holster. It is compact and reliable even though not classified as a most powerful gun in the world.
Some other equipment used on the Bond’s movie:
1. A pen filled with acid to melt metal, which also included a radio transmitter (Octopussy)
2. A credit card containing a concealed lock pick and X-ray glasses (The World Is Not Enough)
3. A cellular phone with software that could break into electronic locks and emit an electric shock of 12,000 volts (Tomorrow Never Dies)
4. A briefcase with hidden compartments holding ammunition, a knife, gold coins and a talcum powder bottle that released tear gas (From Russia With Love)
5. A cigarette that fired a miniature rocket (You Only Live Twice)
6. Key chain with a skeleton key and a device that could trigger knockout gas or an explosive charge, depending on how Bond whistled (The Living Daylights)
7. A pen that was actually a grenade (Goldeneye)
That’s it for today. As a spy you should watch Bond’s movie, learn something or get idea to be implemented in your works.
c) 2008 Copyright
Bond and His Equipments

Friday, November 28, 2008
How to Register Your Gun in US
Dear Spy Fans,
Previously we have learned some basic knowledge of how a gun works. Gun is one of your important spy equipment. As a law abiding citizens you have to legally register your gun.
But did you know how a gun registry works? Generally, on the federal level there is no registry. However, you still need to go through the NICS.
If you have reached 18 and would like to become a spy, then you’re eligible to buy long arms and if you’re 21 and above you can buy handguns. But that's at a gun store.
Even though you have to be 21 to buy a handgun, at a store there do no federal laws against someone under 21 own a handgun. In most cases private sales are not regulated, so background checks are definitely not required.
However it is a good idea to have some kind of paper trail. Some states do make it illegal for people under 21 to own a handgun. You have to fill up a form to get a permit for your new gun. Usually you can obtain it from a Sheriff's office and you have to be 21 and above. You can found this at North Carolina for instance.
Meanwhile in Ohio handguns are registered but rifles are not. If you can avoid registering your gun with out breaking the law, then do so at all costs.
That is a reality; in the US, laws vary from state to state. For example, another law with regards to gun registration has been established at Baltimore. It was reported that Mayor Sheila Dixon signed a bill establishing a gun offender registry to help the police department monitor the city's most violent offenders, and officials say it appears to be working.
Baltimore city officials said they have gotten inquiries from Washington D.C., Denver, New Jersey and Los Angeles. Those states still have a lot of work to do. Read the news here (but do not forget to return back to this page).
Register your gun today and use it with a peace of mind.
End of spy equipment article.

c) 2008 Copyright
Previously we have learned some basic knowledge of how a gun works. Gun is one of your important spy equipment. As a law abiding citizens you have to legally register your gun.
But did you know how a gun registry works? Generally, on the federal level there is no registry. However, you still need to go through the NICS.
If you have reached 18 and would like to become a spy, then you’re eligible to buy long arms and if you’re 21 and above you can buy handguns. But that's at a gun store.
Even though you have to be 21 to buy a handgun, at a store there do no federal laws against someone under 21 own a handgun. In most cases private sales are not regulated, so background checks are definitely not required.
However it is a good idea to have some kind of paper trail. Some states do make it illegal for people under 21 to own a handgun. You have to fill up a form to get a permit for your new gun. Usually you can obtain it from a Sheriff's office and you have to be 21 and above. You can found this at North Carolina for instance.
Meanwhile in Ohio handguns are registered but rifles are not. If you can avoid registering your gun with out breaking the law, then do so at all costs.
That is a reality; in the US, laws vary from state to state. For example, another law with regards to gun registration has been established at Baltimore. It was reported that Mayor Sheila Dixon signed a bill establishing a gun offender registry to help the police department monitor the city's most violent offenders, and officials say it appears to be working.
Baltimore city officials said they have gotten inquiries from Washington D.C., Denver, New Jersey and Los Angeles. Those states still have a lot of work to do. Read the news here (but do not forget to return back to this page).
Register your gun today and use it with a peace of mind.
End of spy equipment article.
c) 2008 Copyright
How to Register Your Gun in US

Friday, November 14, 2008
How a Gun Works?

Dear Spy,
Today’s lesson shall focus on another important spy equipment. Do not leave home without it. Yes, it’s your gun!
As a professional spy you should carry along your gun when on duty. But, did you know exactly how a gun works?
There are many different guns available on market such as Flintlock Guns, Revolvers, Machine Guns, Nail Guns, Rocket-Propelled Grenades and many more.
A basic gun has the following parts:
chamber + breech lock, barrel, striker (firing pin) and trigger.
A cartridge (eg.,a shotshell) has a case, primer (the explosive cap), propellant (gunpowder), wadding (in a shotshell), and load (pellets or slug in a shotshell.)
The cartridge is loaded into chamber and held in place (sealed) with the breech lock. To fire, this sequence of events happens:
* trigger releases a hammer (click on the trigger to fire the gun).
* hammer strikes the firing pin
* firing pin strikes the primer, igniting it (the primer explodes).
* ignited primer ignites the propellant.
* propellant burns rapidly, building pressure behind the wadding.
* wadding and load are propelled down the barrel by expanding gases.
Rifles and pistols work the same way, except a solid bullet is used which makes its own seal against the barrel (no wadding). These also have "rifling" - twisted grooves in the barrel to make the bullet spin. This makes them more accurate than a shotgun or a smoothbore rifle.
A longer barrel improves stability, since it spins the bullet for longer. Extending the barrel also increases the speed of the bullet, since the gas pressure accelerates the bullet for a longer period of time.
With a simple and short explanation above, hope everyone already understood the basic concept of how a gun works.Please take a good care of your spy equipment and enjoy become a spy!
c) 2008 Copyright
How a Gun Works?

Sunday, November 2, 2008
What’s Eavesdropping?
Dear Spy Fans,
First of all, what does eavesdropping means?
What type of spy equipment available for eavesdropping?
As a Spy surely you would have to involve in this job. If we refer to, the meaning of eavesdrop was defined as follow:
–verb (used without object) listen secretly to a private conversation.
–verb (used with object)
2.Archaic. to eavesdrop on.
3.water that drips from the eaves.
4.the ground on which such water falls.
For further details, please refer to
To understand and make yourself feel familiar with this topic, you should learn some basic knowledge of eavesdropping.
The most common and simplest solution to eavesdropping is to install spy equipment which we call it a bug. A bug is a device that receives audio information and broadcasts it through the air, usually via radio waves. Some bugs have tiny microphones that pick up sound waves directly.
Just as in any microphone, this sound is represented by an electrical current. In a bug, the current runs to a radio transmitter, which transmits a signal that varies with the current.
The Spy sets up a nearby radio receiver that picks up this signal and sends it to a speaker or encodes it on a tape.
A bug with a microphone can pick up any sound in a room, whether the person is talking on the phone or not. But a distinctive wiretapping bug doesn't need its own microphone, since the phone already has one. If the Spy hooks this spy equipment anywhere along the phone line, it receives the electrical current directly.
Often, the Spy will hook the bug up to the wires that are actually inside the phone. Since people very rarely look inside their phones, this can be a superb hiding spot. Of course, if someone is searching for a wiretap, both the Spy and his / her spy equipment will be exposed.
This is the best sort of wiretap for most Spies. Bugs are so small that the subject is unlikely to notice them, and once they are installed, the Spy doesn't have to return to the scene of the crime to keep them running.
All of the complex recording equipment can be kept away from the phone lines, in a hidden location. But since the radio receiver has to be within range of the transmitter, the Spy must find a hidden spot near the wiretap. The traditional receiving spot is to use any suitable vehicle parked outside the subject's home.
Lastly, if you are not a legal Spy,don't install any spy equipment such as electronic listening, or recording device to someone's phone,or you will be breaking Federal Laws.
Unless you can somehow manage to obtain a legal warrant to do so from a judge.
You may or may not be breaking the law by eavesdropping by any other means, but you certainly will be morally bankrupt if you do.Try to be a good citizen and mind your own business.
Latest news about eavesdropping, click here
c) 2008 Copyright
First of all, what does eavesdropping means?
What type of spy equipment available for eavesdropping?
As a Spy surely you would have to involve in this job. If we refer to, the meaning of eavesdrop was defined as follow:
–verb (used without object) listen secretly to a private conversation.
–verb (used with object)
2.Archaic. to eavesdrop on.
3.water that drips from the eaves.
4.the ground on which such water falls.
For further details, please refer to
To understand and make yourself feel familiar with this topic, you should learn some basic knowledge of eavesdropping.
The most common and simplest solution to eavesdropping is to install spy equipment which we call it a bug. A bug is a device that receives audio information and broadcasts it through the air, usually via radio waves. Some bugs have tiny microphones that pick up sound waves directly.
Just as in any microphone, this sound is represented by an electrical current. In a bug, the current runs to a radio transmitter, which transmits a signal that varies with the current.
The Spy sets up a nearby radio receiver that picks up this signal and sends it to a speaker or encodes it on a tape.
A bug with a microphone can pick up any sound in a room, whether the person is talking on the phone or not. But a distinctive wiretapping bug doesn't need its own microphone, since the phone already has one. If the Spy hooks this spy equipment anywhere along the phone line, it receives the electrical current directly.
Often, the Spy will hook the bug up to the wires that are actually inside the phone. Since people very rarely look inside their phones, this can be a superb hiding spot. Of course, if someone is searching for a wiretap, both the Spy and his / her spy equipment will be exposed.
This is the best sort of wiretap for most Spies. Bugs are so small that the subject is unlikely to notice them, and once they are installed, the Spy doesn't have to return to the scene of the crime to keep them running.
All of the complex recording equipment can be kept away from the phone lines, in a hidden location. But since the radio receiver has to be within range of the transmitter, the Spy must find a hidden spot near the wiretap. The traditional receiving spot is to use any suitable vehicle parked outside the subject's home.
Lastly, if you are not a legal Spy,don't install any spy equipment such as electronic listening, or recording device to someone's phone,or you will be breaking Federal Laws.
Unless you can somehow manage to obtain a legal warrant to do so from a judge.
You may or may not be breaking the law by eavesdropping by any other means, but you certainly will be morally bankrupt if you do.Try to be a good citizen and mind your own business.
Latest news about eavesdropping, click here
c) 2008 Copyright
What’s Eavesdropping?

Friday, October 24, 2008
What and How to Use Wireless Spy Camera
Dear Spy Fans,
Another important spy equipment shall be discussed today. It’s a must have equipment for those involved in spying activities.
For as little as USD80, one can easily set up a wireless camera to spy on unsuspecting victims.
Nowadays, the price of a pinhole camera (about the size of a matchbox), as well as wireless transmitter and receiver set can be bought at a very low price. It’s so cheap that kids also could have bought it.
This spy equipment could easily be bought and installed by anyone without the need to hire a professional.
Just follow the below steps:
1.Use a screw to attach the camera to the wall or ceiling
2.Connect the camera to a wireless transmitter and a power outlet. You can even use a battery to power the transmitter, but of course it won’t last long.
To record the image:
Plugged the wireless receiver either into a digital video recorder (DVR), or a computer or laptop with audio-visual plug points. The wireless set could receive the transmission signal within a 100m radius.
One could also buy an USB-enabled DVR, which enables the wireless receiver to be plugged into the USB port of any computer.
If you have about USD160, you could buy a wireless model, where the receiver is complete with an LCD screen. This model is usually used as a baby monitor. So you can only see the live view on the LCD monitor. To record the video, just link the receiver to a DVR.
However, for those who bought cameras for surveillance purposes, of course will look for the bigger, wired ones instead of pinhole cameras as they were of better quality and not affected by electronic interference.
Lastly, you are advised not to install it inside someone bathroom or bedroom.
Please do not destroy people’s privacy. Put yourself in a victim’s shoes, while having a bath, would you like it?
You could be sent to jail for six months if found guilty. Therefore, please think wisely before getting involved in this activity.
As for the seller, we cannot assume everyone has bad intentions. If we sell knives, and they are used to kill people, it doesn’t mean that we have to stop selling knives.
For all spy fans, you can get all those high quality cameras, which comes with one year warranty at Eurospyshop
c) 2008 Copyright
Another important spy equipment shall be discussed today. It’s a must have equipment for those involved in spying activities.
For as little as USD80, one can easily set up a wireless camera to spy on unsuspecting victims.
Nowadays, the price of a pinhole camera (about the size of a matchbox), as well as wireless transmitter and receiver set can be bought at a very low price. It’s so cheap that kids also could have bought it.
This spy equipment could easily be bought and installed by anyone without the need to hire a professional.
Just follow the below steps:
1.Use a screw to attach the camera to the wall or ceiling
2.Connect the camera to a wireless transmitter and a power outlet. You can even use a battery to power the transmitter, but of course it won’t last long.
To record the image:
Plugged the wireless receiver either into a digital video recorder (DVR), or a computer or laptop with audio-visual plug points. The wireless set could receive the transmission signal within a 100m radius.
One could also buy an USB-enabled DVR, which enables the wireless receiver to be plugged into the USB port of any computer.
If you have about USD160, you could buy a wireless model, where the receiver is complete with an LCD screen. This model is usually used as a baby monitor. So you can only see the live view on the LCD monitor. To record the video, just link the receiver to a DVR.
However, for those who bought cameras for surveillance purposes, of course will look for the bigger, wired ones instead of pinhole cameras as they were of better quality and not affected by electronic interference.
Lastly, you are advised not to install it inside someone bathroom or bedroom.
Please do not destroy people’s privacy. Put yourself in a victim’s shoes, while having a bath, would you like it?
You could be sent to jail for six months if found guilty. Therefore, please think wisely before getting involved in this activity.
As for the seller, we cannot assume everyone has bad intentions. If we sell knives, and they are used to kill people, it doesn’t mean that we have to stop selling knives.
For all spy fans, you can get all those high quality cameras, which comes with one year warranty at Eurospyshop
c) 2008 Copyright

Friday, October 17, 2008
Spy Equipment - Would Like to Become a Spy?
Secret agent (007) surrounded by beautiful women
Dear Spy Fan,
So you would like to become a Spy?
I have a few tips for you to follow. This is not a common job that we could found easily advertised on the newspaper.
Try visiting CIA website ( They have a lot of different careers for you, I am sure one of them might sound interesting.
You can apply to any intelligence agency in the government, and have to pass all your security checks. Then only you would be considered to be hired as an agent. You do not need to join the military.
Try the CIA, NSA, DIA or FBI and go from there. Usually special operations spies are chosen from agency applicants, so you do not just apply to be a spy (as I mention earlier it’s not a common job).
First of all, they would make sure you're American and not a spy for some other country.
Do not make a same mistake as what Ali Ashtari has done.
You need to have what it takes. You may realize that you need core essential to be a spy. Start today. Being a spy is more about your skill to follow clues and analyze truth from lies. It is a very hard skill to master.
You do not need much more then PC skills now days too. Start with a target for your spying. Then find out what you might like to have to help you glean the information you need.
Spy equipment such as Camera, GPS or cellular phone are all tools you dream up when you are imagining what you need to get your target. Then look around the web for the things you need.
Before we end this article, maybe you would like to consider equip yourself with foreign languages skill and some self defense. Thereafter feel confident to ‘sell’ yourself.
Good luck and cheers!
Alternatively, you can find more useful tips at
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Would Like to Become a Spy?

Saturday, October 11, 2008
How to Use GPS as A Spy Equipment
Search all your GPS requirements at 
Dear Spy,
In some cases, you need GPS as a spy equipment in order to confirm your suspicions or just to keep track something important in your life. Let’s look at the following cases:
1. You are in a big headache suspecting your spouse, boyfriend / girlfriend of infidelity. Were they actually telling the truth?
2. Concerned if your kids is driving recklessly or wondering about where they are going? Is he or she going to a party where there will be juvenile drinking and drugs available?
3. You want to know the where about of your employee's. Are they using your vehicles for personal use?
3.1 You would like to stop employee abuse of company cars, buses or trucks so that you could save on fuel consumption!
4. You want to keep track of your important shipment routes.
5. Know where anything or anyone has been.
In general, there are two types of GPS Tracking systems:
1. GPS Data Loggers
A good solution to keep an eye on the driving behavior but it will not help you find missing vehicles.
2. Real-Time GPS Tracking System
You can locate kids, employee, vehicle or your enemy at any time and see their driving history without having to get the device.
Real time tracking can even help out law enforcement in recuperating stolen vehicle. Are your vehicles protected?
The only disadvantage is that there is a monthly charge for the cellular communication service.
Something you should know:
The following will adversely affect your GPS performance:
High rise buildings, solar film on windows, bridges or tunnels, high voltage cables, computers, electronic base spy equipment, cell phones or masts, rain, snow or heavy clouds.
If possible, use GPS receiver with the best possible view of the sky.
Now time to take action,
Get a cool GPS today and secretly installed and placed your GPS on anything that moves (i.e. animals or vehicles but do not try to directly place on human body!). The GPS technology enables a continuously updated record of stop times, the exact route, speed and direction and other precious information.
You can then get back the information later (from the GPS device) and connect it to your PC to read the data. View the information using free Google Earth's TM 3D model of the planet.
Lets this cool spy equipment quickly and easily do the jobs for you. Do not try to follow it yourself. It could be dangerous.

Black Ghost Helicopter - just for spy fan!
c) 2008 Copyright
Dear Spy,
In some cases, you need GPS as a spy equipment in order to confirm your suspicions or just to keep track something important in your life. Let’s look at the following cases:
1. You are in a big headache suspecting your spouse, boyfriend / girlfriend of infidelity. Were they actually telling the truth?
2. Concerned if your kids is driving recklessly or wondering about where they are going? Is he or she going to a party where there will be juvenile drinking and drugs available?
3. You want to know the where about of your employee's. Are they using your vehicles for personal use?
3.1 You would like to stop employee abuse of company cars, buses or trucks so that you could save on fuel consumption!
4. You want to keep track of your important shipment routes.
5. Know where anything or anyone has been.
In general, there are two types of GPS Tracking systems:
1. GPS Data Loggers
A good solution to keep an eye on the driving behavior but it will not help you find missing vehicles.
2. Real-Time GPS Tracking System
You can locate kids, employee, vehicle or your enemy at any time and see their driving history without having to get the device.
Real time tracking can even help out law enforcement in recuperating stolen vehicle. Are your vehicles protected?
The only disadvantage is that there is a monthly charge for the cellular communication service.
Something you should know:
The following will adversely affect your GPS performance:
High rise buildings, solar film on windows, bridges or tunnels, high voltage cables, computers, electronic base spy equipment, cell phones or masts, rain, snow or heavy clouds.
If possible, use GPS receiver with the best possible view of the sky.
Now time to take action,
Get a cool GPS today and secretly installed and placed your GPS on anything that moves (i.e. animals or vehicles but do not try to directly place on human body!). The GPS technology enables a continuously updated record of stop times, the exact route, speed and direction and other precious information.
You can then get back the information later (from the GPS device) and connect it to your PC to read the data. View the information using free Google Earth's TM 3D model of the planet.
Lets this cool spy equipment quickly and easily do the jobs for you. Do not try to follow it yourself. It could be dangerous.

c) 2008 Copyright

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Spy Equipment – A Story of GPS and Glonass
Dear Readers,
Get latest GPS at
Let’s learn what is GPS?
Global Positioning System (GPS), as define by Britannica Concise Encyclopedia:
”Precise, satellite-based navigation and location system developed for U.S. military use but available to the general public with the use of proper equipment.
GPS is a fleet of more than 24 communications satellites that transmit signals globally around the clock. With a GPS receiver one can quickly and accurately determine the latitude, longitude, and in most cases the altitude of a point on or above the Earth's surface.
A single GPS receiver can find its own position in seconds from GPS satellite signals, to an accuracy of 10 meters; accuracy within one meter can be achieved with sophisticated military-specification receivers. This capability has reduced the cost of acquiring spatial data for making maps while increasing cartographic accuracy.
Other applications include measuring the movement of polar ice sheets, or even finding the best auto route between given points”.
Read further…
GPS begins in US military in the year of 1960s and has been tested in Gulf War 1991. It is seen as cause of achievement for accurate bombing, thus causing it to be applied commercially in the year 1990s.
Market for satellite navigation system is rapidly expanding. Garmin for example, the largest maker in US see an increase more than double on the automobile navigation equipment in 2006 and this technology now seen has achieved market’s mass level product.
Another good news, as reported by GPS Industrial Council (a trade group from Washington), GPS devices sale are currently sprouting. Global market sale for this device has achieved approximately US$15 billion in 2006, and this amount keep increasing 20 to 30% every year.
As we understood, in this era of technology, a lot of vehicles or transportation such as aircraft, train, sailing-ship, human, rocket, or even our beloved pets which need to move would use navigation signal from GPS.
Any country which solely depends on GPS would be trapped deep in the 'geopolitics trap', dominated by US. Theoretically, US could deny any navigation signal to countries such as Iran and North Korea, not only during war crisis but also as a form of high technology economic sanction, which could affect power, banking system and other industry.
But last year on Dec 2007, Reuters has reported that Russia successfully launched a rocket carrying the last three satellites to complete a navigation system to rival America's GPS.
“The network must be perfect, better than GPS and cheaper if we want consumer choose Glonass,” said Putin during a state government meeting of stated system, report news agency Interfax.
A huge profit is expected for those willing to grab a chance. However that’s not a main reason why Russia looking interested in this spy equipment technology.
Glonass (Global Navigation Satellite System), a system which created by Russia and now trying to overcome US's control in navigation satellite. The system was expected to operate globally at 2009 and their main mission is to compete with GPS (Global Positioning System) from US.
Russia trying to involve in this war of navigation technology was mainly due to a worry that US would monopoly this system. The system which, was developed and control by the army of US – anytime they have full control to switch off GPS signal during any event of the crisis.
Today, many consumers are willing to pay more for the devices that can read Russia navigation signal, because there is a case where BlackBerry’s GPS device loses its signal on the highway.
Although in terms of technology, Russia's product has achieved the wanted accuracy, few of the products in market were found pretty hard to be used. For example, signal receiver system (M-103), theoretically it was far preferable from GPS especially in a robust case such as in the wooded stone area.
This spy equipment that look like walkie talkie, however very consumer impersonal and difficult to bring around.
End of story from Spy Equipment 4u.
c) 2008 Copyright
Coming Soon - GPS Tracking System is a solution for spying jobs.

Cool gadget just for spy fans! (please click the photo)
Get latest GPS at

Let’s learn what is GPS?
Global Positioning System (GPS), as define by Britannica Concise Encyclopedia:
”Precise, satellite-based navigation and location system developed for U.S. military use but available to the general public with the use of proper equipment.
GPS is a fleet of more than 24 communications satellites that transmit signals globally around the clock. With a GPS receiver one can quickly and accurately determine the latitude, longitude, and in most cases the altitude of a point on or above the Earth's surface.
A single GPS receiver can find its own position in seconds from GPS satellite signals, to an accuracy of 10 meters; accuracy within one meter can be achieved with sophisticated military-specification receivers. This capability has reduced the cost of acquiring spatial data for making maps while increasing cartographic accuracy.
Other applications include measuring the movement of polar ice sheets, or even finding the best auto route between given points”.
Read further…
GPS begins in US military in the year of 1960s and has been tested in Gulf War 1991. It is seen as cause of achievement for accurate bombing, thus causing it to be applied commercially in the year 1990s.
Market for satellite navigation system is rapidly expanding. Garmin for example, the largest maker in US see an increase more than double on the automobile navigation equipment in 2006 and this technology now seen has achieved market’s mass level product.
Another good news, as reported by GPS Industrial Council (a trade group from Washington), GPS devices sale are currently sprouting. Global market sale for this device has achieved approximately US$15 billion in 2006, and this amount keep increasing 20 to 30% every year.
As we understood, in this era of technology, a lot of vehicles or transportation such as aircraft, train, sailing-ship, human, rocket, or even our beloved pets which need to move would use navigation signal from GPS.
Any country which solely depends on GPS would be trapped deep in the 'geopolitics trap', dominated by US. Theoretically, US could deny any navigation signal to countries such as Iran and North Korea, not only during war crisis but also as a form of high technology economic sanction, which could affect power, banking system and other industry.
But last year on Dec 2007, Reuters has reported that Russia successfully launched a rocket carrying the last three satellites to complete a navigation system to rival America's GPS.
“The network must be perfect, better than GPS and cheaper if we want consumer choose Glonass,” said Putin during a state government meeting of stated system, report news agency Interfax.
A huge profit is expected for those willing to grab a chance. However that’s not a main reason why Russia looking interested in this spy equipment technology.
Glonass (Global Navigation Satellite System), a system which created by Russia and now trying to overcome US's control in navigation satellite. The system was expected to operate globally at 2009 and their main mission is to compete with GPS (Global Positioning System) from US.
Russia trying to involve in this war of navigation technology was mainly due to a worry that US would monopoly this system. The system which, was developed and control by the army of US – anytime they have full control to switch off GPS signal during any event of the crisis.
Today, many consumers are willing to pay more for the devices that can read Russia navigation signal, because there is a case where BlackBerry’s GPS device loses its signal on the highway.
Although in terms of technology, Russia's product has achieved the wanted accuracy, few of the products in market were found pretty hard to be used. For example, signal receiver system (M-103), theoretically it was far preferable from GPS especially in a robust case such as in the wooded stone area.
This spy equipment that look like walkie talkie, however very consumer impersonal and difficult to bring around.
End of story from Spy Equipment 4u.
c) 2008 Copyright
Coming Soon - GPS Tracking System is a solution for spying jobs.

A Story of GPS and Glonass

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Spy Equipment - A Spy in Your Cellular Phone?
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Dear Readers (Spies),
If you’re using cellular phone then you should read the following articles, which I compiled and publish just for you!
Perhaps many less aware that nowadays cellular phones (one of the spy equipment) are also facing virus threat equivalent like computer.
This phenomenon not viewed seriously because virus threat for cellular phone still considered at a minimum level when comparing to computers.
But this matter should not be taken easy.It should be considered crucial because it would affect your cellular phone performance or worse could damaged it. You must take a good care of your spy equipment, isn’t it?
According to Chief Of Research Officer from F-Secure Corporation, Mikko Hypponen, so far about 400 cellular phone viruses already identified and high possibility would increase considering that cellular phone manufacturing are now increasingly has been developed base on computer technology.
Based on studies, which undertaken by F-Secure through independent researcher, they have discovered that more than 85 percent of consumers cellular phone in United States (US), German, France, United Kingdom (UK) and Canada did not install their cellular phone with any security software.
Through the study most of the respondents insist that cellular phone maker or supplier must provide security software for the consumers (Yes, they should think seriously on how to stay ahead in their business).
The study also shows that one third of respondents are aware their cellular phone are easily exposed to the virus threat through utilization of Bluetooth facility, but still disregard security software installation.
By an average, it was reported that 29 percent of the respondents surfing Internet using their cellular phone and consumers in UK found to be the highest contributor at the rate of 47 percent.
Meanwhile, as many as 20 percent thinks using Bluetooth are safe and 15 percent believes Wi-Fi's utilization is free from virus threat.
Apart from that, in Southeast Asia, Russia and South America's environment, virus threats are found to be at a lowest rate and very seldom occur. But comparatively, those areas are barer to the activity of spy activities that enables calls to be heard and recorded as well as access to the message box.
Therefore let's conclude that, installation of security software for cellular phone will probably become a must in the future when rate of virus threat gradually increase.
That’s all for today, please take a good care of your spy equipment (your cellular phone) and don’t let anyone listen to your secret conversation.
c) 2008 Copyright
Get Spyphones at
Get your Emergency Charger now!

Dear Readers (Spies),
If you’re using cellular phone then you should read the following articles, which I compiled and publish just for you!
Perhaps many less aware that nowadays cellular phones (one of the spy equipment) are also facing virus threat equivalent like computer.
This phenomenon not viewed seriously because virus threat for cellular phone still considered at a minimum level when comparing to computers.
But this matter should not be taken easy.It should be considered crucial because it would affect your cellular phone performance or worse could damaged it. You must take a good care of your spy equipment, isn’t it?
According to Chief Of Research Officer from F-Secure Corporation, Mikko Hypponen, so far about 400 cellular phone viruses already identified and high possibility would increase considering that cellular phone manufacturing are now increasingly has been developed base on computer technology.
Based on studies, which undertaken by F-Secure through independent researcher, they have discovered that more than 85 percent of consumers cellular phone in United States (US), German, France, United Kingdom (UK) and Canada did not install their cellular phone with any security software.
Through the study most of the respondents insist that cellular phone maker or supplier must provide security software for the consumers (Yes, they should think seriously on how to stay ahead in their business).
The study also shows that one third of respondents are aware their cellular phone are easily exposed to the virus threat through utilization of Bluetooth facility, but still disregard security software installation.
By an average, it was reported that 29 percent of the respondents surfing Internet using their cellular phone and consumers in UK found to be the highest contributor at the rate of 47 percent.
Meanwhile, as many as 20 percent thinks using Bluetooth are safe and 15 percent believes Wi-Fi's utilization is free from virus threat.
Apart from that, in Southeast Asia, Russia and South America's environment, virus threats are found to be at a lowest rate and very seldom occur. But comparatively, those areas are barer to the activity of spy activities that enables calls to be heard and recorded as well as access to the message box.
Therefore let's conclude that, installation of security software for cellular phone will probably become a must in the future when rate of virus threat gradually increase.
That’s all for today, please take a good care of your spy equipment (your cellular phone) and don’t let anyone listen to your secret conversation.
c) 2008 Copyright
Get Spyphones at

A Spy in Your Cellular Phone?

Saturday, August 2, 2008
How to make Spy Equipment Wholesale Catalog
How to make Spy Equipment Wholesale Catalog
PoGo Instant Photo Printer - Print directly from your mobile via Bluetooth or connect to your digital camera and instantly get your print out! Get it from firebox
Dear Readers,
If you have a collection of spy equipment or would like to open your own spy equipment store, why don’t you start making your own wholesale catalog today?
Read on the following article and immediately grasp some idea for your spy equipment wholesale catalog project.
Selling spy equipment wholesale is a big business. You absolutely require a catalog of your offerings!
Making a catalog isn’t as hard as you might believe. First, you have two options: an online catalog or a print catalog. The choice is yours.
In general, an online catalog is the least expensive method to promote your spy equipment wholesale company – but with all of the online spy equipment stores and online wholesalers, it may not be the most efficient way to make sales.
A print catalog should strongly be considered for a direct mailing.
If you make your own spy equipment catalog, you will need obtaining good quality pictures of the spy equipment – if possible laid on velvet setting (suitable for tiny equipment).
Bright color of velvet will bring out the spy equipment the most. For huge item of spy equipment, simply use white or plain color of background.
You can take these pictures yourself with a digital camera, or have an expert take the photographs. It is cheaper to do it yourself, of course.
Load the pictures up onto your computer, and use publishing software, such as Microsoft Publisher to design and layout your catalog.
This may take a little time and endurance, but it is much cheaper than having someone else do it.
Since you will need thousands of copies of your catalog, your best bet will be to save the catalog on a CD and take it to a print shop that can handle the job.
This will cost money – particularly since the pages need to be sleek, glossy and in color. The catalog will need to be bound – but this expenditure will be well worth it if you will be doing a mass direct mailing.

In order to do a mass direct mailing, you should find a trustworthy company who either sells mailing lists or does the mailing for you.
You can actually ask for lists of mailing addresses where the person has expressed an interest in purchasing wholesale spy equipment – or any other criterion that you set. In most cases, it is best to have the company manage the mailing for you.
They will get the best rates on the mailing because they can use the bulk mail rate.
Make sure that you use a trustworthy printer, and a trustworthy direct mail company. This is an asset in the future of your business, and your spy equipment wholesale catalog needs to be complete in every way – and the mailing requirements to go off without a snag!
Thanks for your time. I believed you won’t regret spending your time to finish reading this article. Wish all the best with your spy equipment wholesale project.
c) 2008 Copyright
This article is about: Spy Equipment.

Dear Readers,
If you have a collection of spy equipment or would like to open your own spy equipment store, why don’t you start making your own wholesale catalog today?
Read on the following article and immediately grasp some idea for your spy equipment wholesale catalog project.
Selling spy equipment wholesale is a big business. You absolutely require a catalog of your offerings!
Making a catalog isn’t as hard as you might believe. First, you have two options: an online catalog or a print catalog. The choice is yours.
In general, an online catalog is the least expensive method to promote your spy equipment wholesale company – but with all of the online spy equipment stores and online wholesalers, it may not be the most efficient way to make sales.
A print catalog should strongly be considered for a direct mailing.
If you make your own spy equipment catalog, you will need obtaining good quality pictures of the spy equipment – if possible laid on velvet setting (suitable for tiny equipment).
Bright color of velvet will bring out the spy equipment the most. For huge item of spy equipment, simply use white or plain color of background.
You can take these pictures yourself with a digital camera, or have an expert take the photographs. It is cheaper to do it yourself, of course.
Load the pictures up onto your computer, and use publishing software, such as Microsoft Publisher to design and layout your catalog.
This may take a little time and endurance, but it is much cheaper than having someone else do it.
Since you will need thousands of copies of your catalog, your best bet will be to save the catalog on a CD and take it to a print shop that can handle the job.
This will cost money – particularly since the pages need to be sleek, glossy and in color. The catalog will need to be bound – but this expenditure will be well worth it if you will be doing a mass direct mailing.
In order to do a mass direct mailing, you should find a trustworthy company who either sells mailing lists or does the mailing for you.
You can actually ask for lists of mailing addresses where the person has expressed an interest in purchasing wholesale spy equipment – or any other criterion that you set. In most cases, it is best to have the company manage the mailing for you.
They will get the best rates on the mailing because they can use the bulk mail rate.
Make sure that you use a trustworthy printer, and a trustworthy direct mail company. This is an asset in the future of your business, and your spy equipment wholesale catalog needs to be complete in every way – and the mailing requirements to go off without a snag!
Thanks for your time. I believed you won’t regret spending your time to finish reading this article. Wish all the best with your spy equipment wholesale project.
c) 2008 Copyright
This article is about: Spy Equipment.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Spy equipment: Why Iranian spy sentenced to DEATH?
Spy equipment: Why Iranian spy sentenced to DEATH?
Here’s a quick summary you would find on this article:
1. How and why a spy could be caught and sentenced to death.
2. It’s illegal to become a spy and betray your own country by providing any security information to other third party.
3. What was the tactics and spy equipment being use for spying activities?
Happy reading...
On 30th Of June – An Iran court has sentenced to death to a businessman claim doing surveillance activities (using high tech spy equipment) for Israel after completing two days hearing.
Court meted out the sentence while tension between Israel and Iran run high following concern that Tel Aviv would strikes Teheran's nuclear facility.
Iranian media identified the culprit as Ali Ashtari (see above photo), a Supplier Manager of the company, which supplied communication and security equipment (including spy equipment?) to the government.
He accused to have done surveillance to the Israel Intelligence Agency, Mossad, report official news agency Iranian, IRNA.
Ali pleaded guilty and applies pardon.
This man who convicted of spying for Israel exposes tactics and technology used by his Mossad handlers during the interview with Iranian TV.
“I was given a spy equipment including laptop computer so I could be in contact with them and write to them by programmed and ciphered email, and they gave me two encrypted communication devices that I was to give to my customers, to test them out," said Ashtari, adding that he was told by his handlers to plant bugging spy equipment in the electronics he sold to his clients.
Ashtari goes on to clarify that by bugging spy equipment - called GPS (Global Positioning System) units with, Mossad agents were able to "see where that person was, know what he has and where he can be found."
"I apologize to Iranians and to the organization which experience the consequences of the calamity due to my fool actions and I wish to apply pardon," said Ali, 43, to the Court.
Fars's news agency report, Ali admitted receiving US$50,000's mortgage from Israel agent because he’s facing monetary problem and has been apprehended more than half a year.
It has been said that undoubtedly, by putting a convicted spy sentenced to death on display, Iran could daunt other Iranian people from aiding foreign operations in exchange for money.
Furthermore, Iran also could shows that in the continuing espionage war between Tehran and the West, it has the upper hand and can frustrate attempts by foreign spy agencies to infiltrate Iran and attain intelligence regarding its military or nuclear programs.
Spy equipment: End of story.
A piece of advice from spy equipment 4u: Spy's and spying are not precisely like the movies, where every task is successful, and in the end you get the girl.
Spying would involve with dirty work, and could be dangerous. There is the possibility you would have to kill someone, the chance someone might kill YOU or get caught and facing death sentence (as happened to Ashtari). That’s a reality dude.
c) 2008 Copyright
This article is about: Spy Equipment.
Note: if you would like to know more on how to detects all types of cameras, wireless and hardwired, check it out at

Saturday, July 12, 2008
How to Choose Spy Equipment Wholesale

How to Choose Spy Equipment Wholesale
Hi dear Readers,
Now comes to another important topic which everyone (or anyone looking to put James Bond out of business) should read carefully. Hope you would get some idea when finish reading this article.
Choosing spy equipment isn’t hard, when you can observe and feel it. However when you purchase spy equipment wholesale, you often won’t have this chance before making a purchase, as most of these purchases are made online or through mail order.
This makes the selection process a bit harder.
You are advice to read all of the information that is supplied. Make sure that terms like ‘imitation’, ‘second hand’ or ‘faux’ are not used if you are looking for genuine spy equipment.
Speak to the company representative and ask for more information if you are uncertain about everything that you are reading as well. Make sure you are getting wholesale prices.
Look for similar pieces at the online spy equipment stores, or even at your local spy equipment stores, and compare the prices. The wholesale price ought to be much lower.
Also verify the refund and exchange policy of the business you are planning to purchase from. Make sure that there is a ‘no questions asked’ money back guarantee, or the offer of a 100% refund if you are not satisfied.
If there is no refund policy, there should be no transaction at all! You can find other spy equipment wholesale from companies that do offer refunds and exchanges.
Remember genuine spy equipment would last longer, thus saving your money and your time as well.
c) 2008 Copyright
This article is about: Spy Equipment.
Spy equipment 4u promotion - Unique Cassette Adapter, click below photo

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Spy Equipment: Aircraft Peep Mini (UAV)
(UAV ready to take off, source:Wikipedia)
Spy Equipment: On 30th Of August, Bernama reported that Singapore's army to be equipped with the aircraft unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) control by long distance near end this year, one step that can enhance the capability of their surveillance.
Unlike UAV (another spy equipment) belong to the air force and the navy of the republic, UAV that belongs to the army shall be fitted with the camera spy (spy equipment of course), miniaturized and can be carried deep back knapsack, report newspaper The Straits Times.
“UAV (latest spy equipment) that get furnishing of information by timely shall immediately submit to the force that stay ashore, thus to enable them battle with the way a more effective,” the newspaper quoted Army’s Major General Neo Kian Hong's as saying.
All army units until battalion level would be supplied with this spy equipment (UAV) concerning.
Yeahh.. they have the advantages now and of course this would be another threat to the neighbours around.
In my opinion, its neighbour too should purchase this high tech spy equipment rather than buying those super expensive and useless submarines.
c) 2008 Copyright
This article is about: Spy Equipment.
Aircraft Peep Mini (UAV)

Monday, June 30, 2008
How To Deal With Your Kids and Their Cool Spy Equipment

This spy aircraft (Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird) is not for sale, just for display.
Hi everyone!
In this article, I have decided to discuss another important topic which our parents face every day. Hundreds of dilemmas actually have to be deal with. One of the main dilemmas is about what our kids see on TV (including video games which packed with spy equipment).
As kids get older, even the most cautious moms and dads begin to ask themselves how much they really need to worry about the harmful effects of TV, video games and all those spy equipment.
So what would you say when your kid begged you to buy him a spy equipment? Let say he wants a toy gun or spy DVD (packed with violence action). If we'd object to the request, he sure would ply us with every argument: "Most kids my age already play / watch it" or "The games / movie not going to turn me into a violent person.”
That’s made many parents get headache. Our kid nowadays, learns very fast from the TV or Internet. Some of them really love all those spy equipment and wish one day they too would become a cool spy.
Let’s study below what our children watch every day on TV or play the games:
1.Cartoon rough and tumble, cartoon battles, slapstick,fantasy violence.
2.Action hero sword fighting or gun plays with blood.
3.Historical action - battles, fantasy battles or duels.
4.Shoot 'em ups; blow 'em ups, high tech spy equipment, accident with disfigurement or death, gang fighting, anger with family and friend.
Here are the suggestions to parents when their kids involved with the above movie or games depending on their age:
1.Anything that shows physical contact as a means of conflict resolution is totally not suitable for kid age ranging from 2 to 4 years old.
2.For children age ranging from 5 to 7 years old, there should be no depictions of violence that would reasonable result in death or serious injury, even in cartoon characters.
3.For children age ranging from 8 to 10 years old, violence should be portrayed as hurtful and causing suffering, not as beneficial or victorious.
4.For children age ranging from 11 to 12 years old, there should be no close-up or graphic violence; violence portrayed as hurtful and causing suffering, not as beneficial or victorious.
5.For children age ranging from 13 to 17 years old, they could watch violence movie with high tech spy equipment but point out that violence portrayed is hurtful and causes suffering, it's not beneficial or victorious. Limit time exposure to violence especially in videogames.
Another useful tip:
1.Make sure kids do their homework and chores before plop down in front of the TV.
2.Get your kids to watch less TV by gathering the family for sit-down dinners. Having meals together not only brings everyone closer but also automatically curbs TV time.
3.Kids love their hero in action movie (especially with all those spy equipment), so shaving off even one hour of viewing significantly reduces their exposure.
However please remember, kids are more likely to pay attention when they've learned something themselves rather than being lectured about it.
For kids who love to be a spy (with your dream spy equipment of course), you could achieve your dream by legally become, let say a Private Investigator or CIA Agent or just for fun.
Get your spy equipment with you and start your day with more thrilling action. As long as you know the limit, just carry on with what you love. Make sure you have the right spy equipment in your Spy Toolbox today.
Remember Bond wouldn't leave base without his spy equipment. Wouldn’t you? You don't have to spend a fortune either to get the right Spy Equipment.
Your next Spy Equipment: How about playing with i-Sobot? (You will discover it later, its very coool!). Click below photo to meet this amazing robot:

Your spy equipment = your personality.
Spy equipment
c) 2008 Copyright
This article is about: Spy Equipment.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Spy Equipment -Detect Infidelity!


Hi guys, looking for a cool spy equipments? In my blog, we shall discuss and find out together what spy equipment is. Who required it most, when and where to use your spy equipment and lastly how all those spy equipment has been developed to fulfill human needs.
Briefly, the following spy equipment shall be discussed:
1. GPS tracking device
2. Listening device (i.e.: cellular phone), and;
3. Analysis kit for biological evidence
Spy equipment are intended to assist you expose things that others might want to keep concealed from you. And one of the things that most people are worried to hide is unfaithfulness. In the past, it was common to do things like engage a private detective to follow your partner around or tap the phone or take pictures.
This used to be practical. Though, the fact of the issue is that with all of the spy equipment and technology accessible today, there is no basis to go out and hire a specialist. There is plenty of spy equipment that is sensibly priced that you can make use of to get to the underneath of the secrecy and discover for yourself whether your partner is faithful.
One of the more common spy equipment that can assist in your search of whether or not you have to be anxious about unfaithfulness is a GPS tracking device. These spy equipment are awful because they are stealthy. Some of them are tiny enough to hide from view in a purse or in the vehicle.
There are even cellular phones ready with GPS devices. Not only can you see where somebody is right now, but you can also pull up a times past of where the trailer has been. A fancy restaurant? A seamy motel? Or just to go to work and back? You can discover rather easily using this high tech spy equipment.
The major trouble with tracking spy equipment is that it is all splendidly to know where somebody is, but it doesn’t offer good imminent on what somebody is doing at that spot. Perhaps your significant other is constantly in a spot that seems innocuous. But perhaps something else is going on.
This is where listening devices (your spy equipment) come in. Listening devices can be hidden in a purse (like a pen or lighter), or even be a cellular phone. You can have a cellular phone that is called robotically when the phone your partner has is in use. You can also call in and listen to what is going on in the same room, even when the phone is not being used.
However the most excellent spy equipment is the type that offers you biological evidence. There are kits that you can buy that can find bodily fluid on sheet or underwear. You can also evaluate your analysis results to your own body fluids and observe whether those are the only fluids allied with your significant other.
For example, Checkmate Semen Detection Kit is the most simple and reliable kit, which you could purchase and use it instantly (you don't need any professional helps!). Search it at

Whether you authenticate your faith in your partner, or whether you find out he or she is not worthy of faith, you can do it yourself with spy equipment.
Pheww…there it is. One of the most important subject (I thought), we have seriously discussed today. Until now perhaps some of you have understood why you should have your own spy equipment. Please choose one.
c) 2008 Copyright
This article is about: Spy Equipment.
detect infidelity

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